Effective Communication Strategies

Tomorrow Angela Geiger will present on behalf of the Alzheimer’s Association. Angela is a certified dementia practitioner, registered nurse, and founder of NursePartners, Inc. We have been servicing older adults living with a diagnosis of dementia since 2002.

Effective communication is crucial for establishing a good relationship between the carepartner and the care recipient. You will learn new ways to “say hello” and connect as the disease progresses. Angela will show us how to incorporate the Positive Physical ApproachTM into daily interactions to make them more meaningful and successful.

She will also explain how we can connect through each of the senses. As the disease progresses, some senses are heightened. We will also learn how to use visual cuing over verbal cuing. Often those living with dementia invent words to communicate. We should anticipate these changes and react accordingly. By knowing the care recipient’s history, we will increase the odds of our success.

It is also important to ensure that the care recipient still feel competent and involved in their own care. We can make this possible by simplifying the decision process. This is done by minimizing distractions and communicating directly with the care recipient.

We look forward to seeing you tomorrow at the Delaware Valley Veteran Home at 2pm.

The address is 2701 Southampton Road, Philadelphia, PA 19154.

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