How to Help Your Elderly Parents Move House

It’s more likely that our parents will need to relocate to a new house as they age. Moving your parents into a new house may be challenging and stressful, whether due to their deteriorating health, the death of a spouse, or simply because their existing home is no longer adequate for their requirements. This blog article will review the importance of relocating your elderly parents, getting them ready for the change, and making the transfer go as smoothly as possible. After reading this article, we hope you understand what must be done to ensure your elderly parents receive the proper care.

Elderly Parent Moving How to Help Your Elderly Parents Move House

Communicate openly

Seniors may have an emotional attachment to the house they’re leaving, so it’s normal for them to feel sad and uncertain about the transition. It might be challenging to discuss the move with your elderly parent, but doing so can help the transition go more smoothly. Give them time to adjust to the change and talk to them about where they will live and why they are going. Giving your loved one as much control as possible while they plan and carry out the relocation can help them feel less stressed when asked to leave their long-time residence.

Make a plan and downsize

There is no such thing as early planning when you need to help your elderly parents move house. Downsizing their stuff with them before you start packing is an excellent place to start, especially if they are relocating to a place considerably smaller than their present residence. You may lessen the tension and any sense of being kept hostage by their possessions by selling, recycling, giving unwanted goods as gifts to relatives, or donating them. That is a sensitive procedure you should go through with your parents, at their own pace. You may always hire a professional to help if you’re having trouble finding the time or the emotional stamina for the task. The expert will sit with them and assist them with decluttering and downsizing, listen to their tales, and ensure that each thing goes to its proper home.

Rent a storage unit for what’s left

Your loved one might not be quite ready to part with particular objects. Maybe they want to entrust them to future generations. Whatever the reasons, it’s possible that you’ll have to rent a storage unit to keep the rest of their possessions. Storage facilities are a safe, practical, and accessible solution for anyone needing to store their belongings temporarily during relocation. Furthermore, suppose you need to relocate somewhere in Philadelphia. In that case, local movers can help you get your items safely to any location, whether it is your parent’s new home or a storage unit. Professional movers will offer expert help with any task, making your relocation a breeze.

Involve the rest of the family

It’s not necessary to help your elderly parents move house alone. Even if you may take the initiative, don’t be reluctant to enlist family members to share the workload. One person may, for instance, be in charge of getting moving supplies and finding a storage facility, while another compiles an inventory of every item in the house by room. This procedure will simplify relocation and assist in reuniting the family for a significant life event.

Start packing

Nobody likes packing the night before a move, including your elderly parents. You want to prevent unnecessary tension, which might result from unpreparedness. As a result, start packing as soon as you have assisted them in decluttering and know what will be moving. Work your way through the house packing the items that aren’t used frequently first before moving on to the items required daily. You may even hire a professional to pack and move your parent’s possessions for them, relieving the tension even more. Doing this assignment early can save you worry in the long run and make the relocation a much simpler process.

Clean the old house

You still have much work to do after you finish organizing and packing. Whether you sell the old residence, rent it, or give it to another relative, you must do the same tasks. Therefore, consider cleaning the house and making necessary repairs before they become irremediable. Taking care of maintenance concerns immediately rather than later when the property is up for sale is preferable.

Prepare the new house

After you’ve located the ideal new residence for your elderly parents, it’s essential to check that it is senior-friendly. That entails making sure there are no stairs or steps that can present fall risks, the restroom is simple to use, and the kitchen is spacious enough to walk around without being restricted. Also, pay attention to how you organize the new home. For example, if the arrangement of the pictures on the living room wall was the same for as long as you can remember, carry it over to the new house. If you need to buy new furniture, arrange things in the same order and include decorations like throw blankets and pillows. Additionally, put pots and pans where you know your loved one can find and reach them.

Transfer paperwork

If your parent is relocating far away, they might need to replace their dentist, doctor, or any other services they have. That may be a specific aspect of moving, but if your family has been seeing the same physician for a long time, the change in routine might be stressful. To prevent papers from sitting at their previous location, make the address changes as soon as possible. Additionally, have their mail forwarded to the new address.

Make the travel arrangements

Transportation may be a little more complicated, depending on how far you relocate your elderly parents. A short vehicle trip is not too challenging if you relocate them down the street. But, if they are traveling a long distance, the physical journey may become problematic. Will your elderly parent feel comfortable driving a long distance in a car? Is it preferable to transport them by train or plane? Find that out and plan a schedule that works for both of you. However, no matter how you plan to transfer them, wait until all their possessions are moved and unpacked.

Final thoughts

As you can see, it’s not that difficult to help your elderly parents move house. All you need is a good organization and a well-thought plan. Your loved one should experience a smoother transition if you carefully plan the relocation and the new house is ready to welcome them.

2 thoughts on “How to Help Your Elderly Parents Move House

  1. How wonderful that you mention the best way to help your elderly parents move. My grandparents are getting older and need more help this year. I will help them move and then help them find an in-home care service.

  2. We appreciate you explaining how early preparation is impossible when you have to assist your elderly parents with a relocation. Before you start packing, you shared that it’s a great idea to downsize their belongings with them, especially if they’re moving to a place that’s significantly smaller than their current home. I bet my mom and her sisters will make use of this information once they start to look for a senior in-home care provider that can watch over my grandma while they’ll be away to take care of stuff.

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